Engineering college essay
Black Feminism Paper Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
MOLAA essays
MOLAA articles Field Research Project: Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) The Historical site that I decided to visit was the Museum of Latin American Art also called MOLAA. I settled on this particular site halfway because of my own enthusiasm for expressions of the human experience, yet in addition on the grounds that the historical center itself mirrors the historical backdrop of Latin American administration in human expressions and governmental issues. In the event that that wasnt intriguing enough the exhibition halls nearby was likewise a shock as it was based upon a 1930s workmanship deco roller arena and a 1920s quiet film studio. This lone draws you close enough until you enter and are overpowered with all the memorable stories told through oil, wood, iron, earthenware mud, and stone. Through those twofold glass entryways I entered and was unexpectedly loaded up with flooding Latino pride as I was reclaimed by a picture of Emiliano Zapata, entitled Un Doble Estudio De Zapata Para El Mural De La Revolucion (1958-1959). It was odd as I wound up gazing at this work of art of a man that has spoken to such a great amount to the Mexican open just as to numerous other Latino societies abroad. I could perceive how the craftsman, David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974) utilized his greens, whites, and reds to show his Mexican enthusiasm and progressive activism. He utilized propylene which is a sort of paint that dries with astounding velocity. As I read Siqueiros small scale memoir close by his Zapata painting I really wanted to think about his actual explanation/purposes behind making it. I before long found that David Alfaro Siqueiros was viewed as one of the Artistic Masters of the twentieth century. In my eyes he was a pioneer in his own privilege since he was a youngster. At fifteen years old he was at that point associated with in the Artistic Studies and political activism and drove a sorted out gathering of youthful progressives , called the Congress of Soldier Artists. David Alfaro Siqueiros close by Diego Rivera and Javier Guerrero began El Machete, a ... <!
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Very Good Editors Must Pay Attention to the Details
Excellent Editors Must Pay Attention to the Details Its regularly said that the minds of individuals have two exceptionally particular sides, with the left side being answerable for language, rationale, and math, while the correct handles spatial capacities, face acknowledgment and preparing music. Altering is additionally particularly a two-sided process, one that we divvy up as small scale and full scale altering. Small scale altering manages the specialized, stray pieces parts of news composing. Large scale altering manages the substance of stories. Heres an agenda of small scale and large scale altering: Small scale Editing AP Style Language Accentuation Spelling Capitalization Large scale Editing The lede - does it bode well, is it upheld by the remainder of the story, is it in the main graf? The story - is it reasonable, adjusted and objective? Criticism - are there any explanations that may be viewed as derogatory? Substance - is the story exhaustive and complete? Are there any openings in the story? Composing - is the story elegantly composed? Is it clear and justifiable? Character Type and Editing As you can envision, certain character types are likely better at one kind of altering or the other. Exact, conscientious individuals are presumably best at smaller scale altering, while enormous picture types likely exceed expectations at full scale altering. Little Details versus Substance of Stories Also, in an ordinary newsroom, particularly at bigger media sources, there is a sort of smaller scale full scale division of work. Duplicate work area editors for the most part center around the little subtleties - sentence structure, AP Style, accentuation, etc. Task editors who run the different segments of a paper - city news, sports, expressions and amusement, etc - for the most part center more around the full scale side of things, the substance of stories. Be that as it may, heres the rub - a decent manager must have the option to do both miniaturized scale and large scale altering, and to do both well. This is particularly obvious at littler distributions and understudy papers, which regularly have less staff members. Not Getting Caught up in Small Details to Lose the Big Picture As it were, you should have the persistence to address terrible language, incorrectly spelled words and accentuation issues. Be that as it may, you cannot allow yourself to get so gotten up to speed in the little subtleties that you dismiss the comprehensive view, i.e., does the lede of the story bode well? Is the substance elegantly composed and objective? Does it consider every contingency and answer all the inquiries a peruser would probably have? Both Are Equally Important The bigger point is this - both miniaturized scale and full scale altering are similarly significant. You can have the most brilliantly composed story on the planet, yet in the event that its loaded up with AP Style blunders and incorrectly spelled words, at that point those things will take away from the story itself. In like manner, you can fix all the awful syntax and lost accentuation yet on the off chance that a story has neither rhyme nor reason, or if the lede is covered in the eighth section, or in the event that the story is one-sided or contains hostile substance, at that point all the fixes you made wont add up to a lot. To perceive what weâ mean, investigate these sentences: Police said they appropriated three point 2,000,000 dollars of cocain in what was a massiv tranquilize bust. The CEO of Exon assessed that 5% of the companys benefits would be plouwed again into resarch and improvement. Im sure youve made sense of that these sentences principally include miniaturized scale altering. In the primary sentence, cocaine and huge are spelled wrong and the dollar sum doesnt follow AP Style. In the subsequent sentence, Exxon, furrowed and research are incorrectly spelled, the rate doesnt follow AP Style, and companys needs a punctuation. Presently, take a gander at these sentences. The main model is intended to be a lede: There was a fire at a house the previous evening. It was on Main Street. The fire set the house ablaze and three kids inside were slaughtered. The CEO, who is known for his cash grubbing character, said he would close the manufacturing plant in the event that it lost cash. Here we see full scale altering issues. The principal model is three sentences in length when it ought to be one, and it covers the most significant part of the story - the passing of three kids. The subsequent sentence incorporates a possibly hostile predisposition - the cash grubbing CEO. As should be obvious, regardless of whether its small scale or large scale altering, a decent manager needs to get each error in each story. As editors will let you know, theres no space for mistake.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Airtel Pest Analysis and Porters Five Forces
Airtel Pest Analysis and Porters Five Forces AIRTEL PEST Analysis Political The service of telecom industry climbed FDI limits from 49% to 74% which empowered Indian advertisers of telecom area to start off the opposition and solidification by offering their stakes to outside substances. Airtel as of now have tie up with remote accomplice SINTEL which is going to help in putting more in framework and most recent innovation to give the best administrations to their supporters. Likewise because of this expansion in outside direct interest in media transmission advertise, Airtel will have the option to tweak the remote stakes in their organizations that have just procured a range between 67-69 percent of their benefits. With the expansion in globalization and enormous development of Indian media transmission division, Airtel propelled its versatile administrations in Srilanka in Jan 2009 and contributing to extend its system with most recent innovation in next five years. As of late Airtel have likewise procured Zain for Africa activities which is the second greatest abroad buy by an Indian organization. Efficient In telecom financial plan 2008, crude material for the assembling of indicated electronic equipment things have been absolved from extract obligation which brings down the system gear expenses to profit significant versatile administrations supplier, so Airtel can grow their system inclusion to increasingly provincial zones at a lot less expensive expense. During the downturn time frame Government arrangement to decrease the custom obligation on union item from 10% to 5% helped in building up equality gadgets utilized in correspondence area, so this will help Airtel in bringing down their expense for DTH development. Government has declared every subsequent charging duty for the supporter alongside the every moment charging plan. In spite of the fact that the every subsequent arrangement isn't gainful for the telecom administrators as this could diminish the segments yearly income by 10-15%.Operators are as of now battling with the low Average Revenue Per client (ARPUs) because of high duties (30 % of the gross income earned by the administrators goes as different charges) required by government will currently battle more with this new arrangement. To defeat this circumstance Airtel has propelled low levy every moment designs alongside every subsequent arrangement. As greater part of the endorsers make longer span calls and the every subsequent call could be unfavorable for them with the new decreased every moment plan. Airtel could likewise dispatch pay per character for SMS administrations to expand the VAS income. Social Government has climbed FDI limits which would prompt better foundation in telecom because of admission of greater speculation by the remote financial specialists. As 70% of Indian populace despite everything lives in provincial zones, improvement in media transmission foundation and administrations will diminish segregation, increment business reasonability, cultivating profitability and access to instructive and clinical administrations. Airtel has just reported to set up 100000 assistance communities and telecom foundation in country India by walk 2010. Rollout of national rustic business plan to every one of the 596 regions in India with an arrangement of Rs.160 billion, to help quicker entrance of mobiles and thus quicker development of Airtel as they hold significant Indian telecom advertise with 24% development toward the finish of 31st March 2009. Government has reported the closeout for 3G and BWA range and Airtel is one of the certified bidders for the equivalent and Airtel has just marked an arrangement with Ericsson to update their system for 3G. It will help Airtel to attempt social activities of the legislature, for example, e-training, tele medication, and e-wellbeing and e-administration, giving moderate broadband and versatile administrations to sub urban and country areas.â As interest for the worth included administrations and fast broadband is expanding among the young. Airtel being the main private expansive band specialist co-op in the nation has presented the ultra quick speed of 50 Mbps for the broadband clients on cutting edge VDSL2 innovation which will permit clients, the comfort to download a full component film in under 3 minutes. Alongside it is without giving worth include administrations like equal ringing, web designer (Basic), PC secure (Anti-Virus programming), online capacity, boundless gaming on games on request. Expanding rivalry with the section of numerous new administrators in the telecom business has constrained in decrease of taxes. So buyers get more choices and can change their system administrator as per their need. In this Airtel has presented many low levy plans like youth Plan for youngsters, women unique, and companions prepaid arrangement, family festivity plan as indicated by the prerequisites of the diverse client sections. Division procedure points towards understanding the need holes of explicit customer portions and making exceptional sectioned items for them. Innovative Increment in FDI restrains likewise profited inflow of most recent innovation with improved framework, as AIRTEL is settled with better foundation so it can offer better types of assistance to its clients in urban and can extend its system in increasingly rustic territories. Presentation of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) which permits the purchaser to hold their current versatile number, in any event, when they change the specialist organization. This will build the opposition among the specialist organizations as the supporters can change their system on the off chance that they are not content with the administrations of the current specialist co-op. Airtel has the edge over his rivals as their administrations are far superior to other help providers.â Government has reported the bartering for 3G and BWA range which will permit telecom organizations to offer extra esteemed administrations like high goals video and mixed media administrations with high information rate transmission abilities. Airtel has just able to offer for the bartering. Additionally Airtel has marked a 1.3 billion arrangement with Ericsson to grow and overhaul its system for 3G benefits in 15 of Indias 22 telecom circles. Watchmen 5 Forces Analysis Danger from rivalry High Fixed Cost: The industry likewise experiences high fixed cost which makes the passage obstruction additionally high for the business. It shocks no one that in the capital-serious telecom industry the greatest hindrance to section is access to back. To take care of high fixed costs, genuine contenders ordinarily require a ton of money. At the point when capital markets are liberal, the danger of serious contestants heightens. Whenever financing openings are less promptly accessible, the pace of section eases back. In the mean time, responsibility for telecom permit can speak to a tremendous boundary to passage. There is as of now 6-7 players in every area barring 3 - 4 major players like Bharti Airtel, dependence, Vodafone and BSNL. Extremely less time to pick up advantage by an advancement: Every organization in this modern segment in putting an immense sum in innovative work and promoting system. That is the reason we see when any offer propelled by any organization is in every case counter assaulted by different organizations very soon. This makes the business competition generally unmistakable. For example Guest tunes, Life time cards. Value wars:Â The value war is actually quite furious in this industry. Value war in telecom industry has commoditized the market that marking has assumed a lower priority. New players are diminishing their taxes to improve hold in the market and thus the current huge players like Airtel, dependence and so on additionally need to contend by presenting low levy new plans, for example, youth plan for more youthful age, women uncommon and so forth. Danger of New Entrant Both potential and existing contenders impact normal industry benefit. The danger of new contestants is generally founded available section obstructions. They can take various structures and are utilized to forestall a deluge of firms into an industry at whatever point benefits, balanced for the expense of capital, ascent over zero. Conversely, section hindrances exist at whatever point it is troublesome or not monetarily plausible for an outcast to reproduce the officeholders position. The most widely recognized types of section boundaries, with the exception of characteristic physical or legitimate deterrents, are as per the following: Economies of scale: In telecom industry the economies of scale exists from the provider side. That is the reason organizations attempt to build their endorser base at radical rate. Appropriation channels: Distribution channels are additionally giving a significant deciding component. These channels are not faithful to any organization and contenders can without much of a stretch access them and make out work for them. Despite the fact that gigantic permit charge to be paid forthright and high growth period lessens the danger of new participant and demoralizes venture and framework in the telecom area. Constrained Spectrum accessibility, Regulatory issue which again prompts high permit expense additionally limit new players from going into the market. Quickly changing innovation and arrangement the effective Infrastructure for the equivalent in like manner is likewise the main consideration which stops new player to go into the telecom segment. New participants are prepared to enter immense capital thinking about the engaging quality of the market. Increment in FDI cutoff points to 74% is bringing rivalry from remote players. Colossal ventures are being made by the outside organizations to arrangement better framework and getting most recent innovation into the nation. Danger from the non telecom foundation brand which could attack into the telecom business by the simplicity of outsoucing. Client exchanging cost is low, as cost of new association is truly low. What's more, new association offers more advantages to the clients Danger of substitute The danger that substitute items posture to an industrys gainfulness relies upon the relative cost to-execution proportions of the various sorts of items or administrations to which clients can go to fulfill a similar fundamental need. The danger of replacement is likewise influenced by exchanging costs that is, the expenses in regions, for example, retraining, retooling and overhauling that are brought about when a client changes to an alternate kind of item or administration. It additionally includes: The
Tony Blair's government between 1997 and 2007 Essay
Tony Blair's legislature somewhere in the range of 1997 and 2007 - Essay Example One effective quill in the top of Tony Blair is the topple of the Saddam Hussein Iraqi military fascism. Tony blair was directly in helping the United States do battle with Iraq. Truth be told, Tony Blair's choice to send British Troops into Iraq to topple, catch and attempt Saddam Hussein for his administration's violations against Kuwait, and murders of some Muslim orders that were against his style of government. Tony Blair, Mr. Shrubbery of the United States and other different countries were directly in assaulting Iraq. Today, the haughty Saddam Hussein is at long last gone. Presently, majority rule government is gradually unfurling in the once military guideline of a military general. Further, Tony Blair's administration as of now is exceptionally fruitful in light of the fact that the solid connection between the United States and the United Kingdom has kept the world in a tranquil state. James Naughtie suitably portrayed Tony Blair as the United States guard dog. Tony Blair had picked up the trust and certainty of the Bill Clinton also the more youthful President Bush'es organization. He is known as the American guard dog, Alsatian, for Tony Blair cautions the American chiefs of potential threats that will thump in the following not many months or years on the entryways of many free countries. Tony Blair doesn't reconsider as he quickly arranges his British powers to assault Saddam Hussein during the desert storm period where Kuwait was liberated from the grasp of Saddam Hussein (Wheatcroft 2004). Truth be told, Tony Blair was instrumental in cautioning the Clinton organization about the catastrophe on the United States that would emerge if the United States didn't make any coercive move in the Kosovo field. Tony Blair additionally convinced President Bush to help in the war where the Serbs were included. Likewise, Tony Blair's discourse to the Economic Club in Chicago, United States in 1999 had underscored the significance for the United States' utilization of preemptie strikes if the initial step of utilizing conciliatory intends to end the Taliban war in Afghanistan and the Balkans fizzled. Accordingly, President Bush saw Tony Blair as a positive power and a genuine companion in period of scarcity. President Bush even observed Tony Blair as the prophets who anticipated that fate brougth about by the September 11 plane assaults in New York and the Pentagon (Thomas 2005). Further, Tony Blair's prosperity during the decisions in 1997 until 2007 was on the grounds that his work gathering's rallying call was The communist custom maintains moral qualities, for example, balance, social equity, partnership, and network. Its disciples commonly have faith in equal unselfishness as a condition for the most elevated conceivable good advancement of all. The best possible objective of political activity is an ethical network wherein all residents achieve opportunity through cooperation(Bevir, and O'Brien 2001, 535). Tony Blair's Labor gathering's prosperity was on the grounds that his gathering accepted that the communist custom that maintains moral qualities, for example, social equity, equity, network and cooperation is the thing that makes the British life progressively charming. Tony Blair's gathering accepts that political activity is an ethical network where all the United Kingdom residents will accomplish their actual opportunity with a mystery fixing. Tha t mystery fixing is participation among all divisions of the British society. Tony Blair
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Golden Compass Chapter Three Free Essays
Part Three Lyra’s Jordan Jordan College was the most stupendous and most extravagant of the considerable number of schools in Oxford. It was most likely the biggest, as well, however nobody knew without a doubt. The structures, which were gathered around three unpredictable quadrangles, dated from each period from the early Middle Ages to the mid-eighteenth century. We will compose a custom article test on The Golden Compass Chapter Three or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now It had never been arranged; it had become piecemeal, with at various times covering at each spot, and the last impact was one of scrambled and abhorrent glory. Some part was constantly going to tumble down, and for five ages a similar family, the Parslows, had been utilized full time by the College as bricklayers and scaffolders. The current Mr. Parslow was showing his child the specialty; both of them and their three laborers would scramble like enterprising termites over the framework they’d raised at the edge of the library, or over the top of the house of prayer, and take up brilliant new squares of stone or moves of gleaming lead or shies away of timber. The College possessed ranches and homes all over England. It was said that you could stroll from Oxford to Bristol one way and London in the other, and never leave Jordan land. In all aspects of the realm there were color works and block furnaces, woodlands and atomcraft works that paid lease to Jordan, and each quarter-day the treasurer and his representatives would tot everything up, declare the aggregate to Concilium, and request a couple of swans for the dining experience. A portion of the cash was put by for reinvestment †Concilium had quite recently affirmed the acquisition of an office obstruct in Manchester †and the rest was utilized to pay the Scholars’ unassuming payments and the wages of the workers (and the Parslows, and the other dozen or so groups of specialists and dealers who served the College), to keep the wine basement lavishly filled, to purchase books and anbarographs for the tremendous library that filled one side of the Melrose Quadrangle and b roadened, tunnel like, for a few stories underneath the ground, and, not least, to purchase the most recent philosophical mechanical assembly to prepare the house of prayer. It was imperative to stay up with the latest, since Jordan College had no adversary, either in Europe or in New France, as a focal point of test philosophy. Lyra realized that much, at any rate. She was glad for her College’s greatness, and got a kick out of the chance to flaunt it to the different urchins and tramps she played with by the waterway or the claybeds; and she respected visiting Scholars and famous teachers from somewhere else with feeling sorry for disdain, since they didn’t have a place with Jordan thus should know less, poor things, than the humblest of Jordan’s under-Scholars. Concerning what trial religious philosophy was, Lyra had no more thought than the urchins. She had shaped the idea that it was worried about enchantment, with the developments of the stars and planets, with small particles of issue, yet that was mystery, truly. Most likely the stars had daemons similarly as people did, and test religious philosophy included conversing with them. Lyra envisioned the Chaplain talking grandly, tuning in to the star daemons’ comments, and afterward gesturing wisely or shaking his head in lament. In any case, what may be going between them, she couldn’t consider. Nor was she especially intrigued. From numerous points of view Lyra was a savage. What she loved best was climbing over the College rooftops with Roger, the kitchen kid who was her specific companion, to spit plum stones on the heads of passing Scholars or to hoot like owls outside a window where an instructional exercise was going on, or dashing through the tight lanes, or taking apples from the market, or taking up arms. Similarly as she was ignorant of the concealed flows of legislative issues running beneath the outside of College issues, so the Scholars, as far as it matters for them, would have been not able to see the rich fuming stew of partnerships and hostilities and fights and settlements which was a child’s life in Oxford. Kids playing together: how charming to see! What could be increasingly blameless and beguiling? Truth be told, obviously, Lyra and her companions were occupied with dangerous fighting. There were a few wars running on the double. The kids (youthful hirelings, and the offspring of workers, and Lyra) of one school battled against those of another. Lyra had once been caught by the offspring of Gabriel College, and Roger and their companions Hugh Lovat and Simon Parslow had assaulted the spot to protect her, crawling through the Precentor’s nursery and get-together armfuls of little stone-hard plums to toss at the hijackers. There were twenty-four schools, which took into consideration unlimited stages of union and treachery. In any case, the hostility between the universities was overlooked in a second when the town kids assaulted a colleger: at that point all the collegers united together and went into fight against the town-ies.This competition was many years old, and extremely profound and fulfilling. In any case, even this was overlooked when different adversaries compromised. One foe was enduring: the brickburners’ kids, who lived by the claybeds and were disdained by collegers and townies the same. A year ago Lyra and a few townies had made a transitory détente and attacked the claybeds, pelting the block burners’ kids with chunks of overwhelming dirt and tipping over the wet stronghold they’d worked, before turning them again and again in the sticking substance they lived by until victors and vanquished the same took after a herd of yelling golems. The other normal foe was regular. The gyptian families, who lived in trench vessels, went back and forth with the spring and harvest time fairs, and were in every case useful for a battle. There was one group of gyptians specifically, who normally came back to their securing in that piece of the city known as Jericho, with whom Lyra’d been fighting since the time she could initially toss a stone. At the point when they were toward the end in Oxford, she and Roger and a portion of the other kitchen young men from Jordan and St. Michael’s College had laid a trap for them, tossing mud at their brilliantly painted narrowboat until the entire family came out to pursue them away †so, all in all the save crew under Lyra assaulted the vessel and cast it off from the bank, to coast down the waterway, hindering the various water traffic while Lyra’s pillagers looked through the pontoon from start to finish, searching for the bung. Lyra solidly had confidence in this b ung. On the off chance that they hauled it out, she guaranteed her troop, the pontoon would sink on the double; however they didn’t discover it, and needed to surrender transport when the gyptians got them up, to escape dribbling and crowing with triumph through the thin paths of Jericho. That was Lyra’s world and her joy. She was a coarse and covetous minimal savage, generally. In any case, she generally had a diminish sense that it wasn’t her entire world; that piece of her likewise had a place in the magnificence and custom of Jordan College; and that some place in her life there was an association with the high universe of governmental issues spoke to by Lord Asriel. Everything she did with that information was to give herself pretense and reign over different urchins. It had never become obvious her to discover more. So she had passed her youth, similar to a half-wild feline. The main variety in her days went ahead those unpredictable events when Lord Asriel visited the College. A rich and incredible uncle was all to brag about, yet the cost of bragging was being gotten by the most dexterous Scholar and brought to the Housekeeper to be washed and wearing a perfect dress, after which she was accompanied (with numerous dangers) to the Senior Common Room to have tea with Lord Asriel and a welcomed gathering of senior Scholars. She feared being seen by Roger. He’d noticed her on one of these events and hooted with chuckling at this beribboned and pink-frilled vision. She had reacted with a volley of yelling curses that stunned the poor Scholar who was accompanying her, and in the Senior Common Room she’d drooped mutinously in an easy chair until the Master advised her forcefully to sit up, and afterward she’d scowled at them all till even the Chaplain needed to chuckle. What occurred on those unbalanced, formal visits never changed. After the tea, the Master and the other not many Scholars who’d been welcomed left Lyra and her uncle together, and he called her to remain before him and mention to him what she’d realized since his last visit. Also, she would murmur whatever she could dig up about geometry or Arabic or history or anbarology, and he would sit back with one lower leg laying on the other knee and watch her enigmatically until her words fizzled. A year ago, before his campaign toward the North, he’d proceeded to state, â€Å"And how would you invest your energy when you’re not industriously studying?†Furthermore, she murmured, â€Å"I simply play. Kind of around the College. Just†¦play, really.†Furthermore, he stated, â€Å"Let me see your hands, child.†She held out her hands for review, and he took them and surrendered them to take a gander at her fingernails. Close to him, his daemon lay sphinxlike on the rug, washing her tail at times and looking unblinkingly at Lyra. â€Å"Dirty,†said Lord Asriel, driving her hands away. â€Å"Don’t they make you wash in this place?†â€Å"Yes,†she said. â€Å"But the Chaplain’s fingernails are constantly messy. They’re considerably dirtier than mine.†â€Å"He’s a scholarly man. What’s your excuse?†â€Å"I must’ve got them messy after I washed.†â€Å"Where do you play to get so dirty?†She took a gander at him dubiously. She had the inclination that being on the rooftop was prohibited, however nobody had really said as much. â€Å"In a portion of the old rooms,†she said at long last. â€Å"And where else?†â€Å"In the claybeds, sometimes.†â€Å"And?†â€Å"Jericho and Port Meadow.†â€Å"No
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
19 Of The Most Stunning Libraries Across The USA Critical Linking, May 7, 2017
19 Of The Most Stunning Libraries Across The USA Critical Linking, May 7, 2017 Sponsored by TarcherPerigee, publisher of Adult-ish by Cristina Vanko and Adulthood for Beginners by Andy Boyle. Libraries are not just spaces to grab a book, read, and study. They can also be architectural masterpieces that tell a story about the time and place they were built. Over the last two decades, photographer Thomas Schiff has captured panoramic photos of over 100 beautiful libraries across the US. Ive linked to so many most beautiful libraries kind of posts, but this might be my favorite of them. Panoramas and no people! ____________________ Its not just a building. Its not just a park. Hopefully its a hub where all of us can see a brighter future for the South Side, he told an audience of about 300 political and community leaders at the South Shore Cultural Center. It will also become, the Obama Foundation said, the first completely digital presidential library, with no paper records stored on site. The museum, housing exhibition space as well as education and meeting rooms, will be the tallest of the three structures, reaching as high as 180 feet. It will be clad in a light-colored stone and will serve as a lantern for the complex. Theres a lot of controversy surrounding the Obama Library butman, it sounds like its going to be a great cultural space and a good thing for Chicagos South Side. ____________________ We are delighted to present the first issue of The Johannesburg Review of Booksâ€"comprising almost twenty reviews, essays, articles, stories, poems, photographs and other items. The first dedicated Book Review and discussion space in Africa. This is cool. ____________________ Her new book, Literary Yarns: Crochet Projects Inspired by Classic Books, is a how-to guide for crafty book nerds. It features instructions on how to make 22 crocheted characters from 16 classic works of literature, including Hamlet, Pride and Prejudice, and Animal Farm. Get a sneak preview of the book by testing your crochet skills on Captain Ahab of Moby Dick. You’ll need some basic materials and a working knowledge of crochet stitchesâ€"this pattern uses single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc), chain (ch), decrease (dec), and slip stitches (sl st), with the number of total stitches for each line indicated in {curly brackets}. Its a publicity piece for the book, but also, the entire pattern to make your own Captain Ahab is here soget craftin. ____________________ Being well read means making it a part of your daily lifeâ€"not treating it as a luxury. And it’s not that hard. Like all things, it just takes a little bit of discipline and a little bit of trickery. How to read a book a week. Sign up to Today In Books to receive daily news and miscellany from the world of books. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Nokia multinational communications corporation - Free Essay Example
Introduction Nokia is a leading multinational communications corporation engaged in the manufacture of mobile phone devices as well as offering internet services. The mobile devices produced cover the major market segments of GSM, W-CDMA as well as CDMA. Other undertakings of the company include provision of digital map information and navigation services. Research and development sites for Nokia Corporation are spread throughout the world. This document discusses the ethical implications of the companys decision to lay off more than 1500 employees due to the current economic depression which has largely caused profitability levels to drastically reduce. Leadership failures in regard to the decision made will also be addressed. Ethical issues confronting Nokia Due to the failing consumer demand, Nokia is in the process of cutting down the number of employees. The employee cut offs targets the sales, marketing and some managerial dockets. In Finland alone where the headquarters of the company is situated approximately 700 employees are likely to lose their jobs. The Nokia phone sales have continually dropped due to the current global recession, and its quite unlikely that many will continue to identify with their brand even in future. In April 2003, the networks equipment division experienced massive turnover problems thus the management resorted to organizational restructuring. The results of the move include diminished public image as well as court cases due to lack of due process in executing lay-off practice. In order to mitigate the negative effects of such undertakings, the leadership needed to put in place strong measures aimed at reducing costs thereby improving profitability levels of the company. Through laying emphasis on resea rch as well as development programs aimed at increasing efficiency and productivity of the company, the leadership should have reversed the situation (Jennings, 2008). Ethical and moral qualities of leadership In traditional sense, the purpose of leadership lies in increasing the profitability of an organization. In recent times efficient leadership ensures that moral and ethical standards are adhered to. Thus efficient leadership is not pegged on competence but also on transforming the lives of people as well as the entire organization. Through ethical leadership, the Nokia Corporation need be involved in respecting the dignity of other people by deliberately indicating some reverence to its human capital. Integrity and character demonstrated by the Nokia corporation management largely impact on the ethical decisions made hence the reason why before implementing the layoffs, the necessary notification procedures have to be followed (Connors Sampford, 2003). Total compensation has been undertaken since the leaders are people oriented thus before making any decisions, they consider the kind of impact the decision will have on the employees fraternity. Role of negativity Negativity plays a crucial role in making positive change in any organization. The negativity effect has the tendency to assign considerable weight to the negative outcomes of an organization. When complex decision making procedures are involved, several prejudices likely to impede the execution come into play. Since it is quite difficult to detect biases, complex scenarios in regard to the manner in which company activities and decision making is done proves problematic. Before making the decision to lay off the employees, the management had an ethical obligation to consider the general impacts that such move would have on the firms brand image. More often than not, during economic depression when sales volumes tends to decline drastically, the most obvious choice left to the companys management is to cut down on costs of operation by reducing the number of employees through an appropriate approach justified under employment contract. Due to massive negativity existing in regar d to improvement of the mobile phone technology market, it is not likely that the Nokia Corporation will implement the move to have the employees reinstated. Since problems in regard to organization performance are as a result of deviations from the already set performance standards, timely decision making is vital. This helps any organization to tackle the existing challenges by enabling the company become profitable again (Yukl, 2009). By removing possible negativity that would influence the resulting decision, the firm will deliberately enhance its ethical capacity in resolving internal issues under acceptable ethical approach. It is important that additional actions are also formulated in order to avoid and prevent adverse consequences which may result once an action is undertaken from bringing other unanticipated problems to the company again. Role of Narcissism The lay-off saga witnessed in Nokia Corporation has some element of narcissism exhibited by top leadership. This is because laying-off the employees denotes some form of elitism in the management team since they clearly demonstrate indifference in the plight of the employees involved (McDaniel, 2004). The welfare of the laid-off employees is totally disregarded. Exploitation of the employees results owing to the loss of their jobs and ultimately their livelihood as well. Since Nokia is a high profile corporation, its leadership and management team is largely concerned about making massive profits hence the reason why the management team holds that having many employees during the time of recession considerably reduces the profitability levels. Although the move to lay-off some employees may yield positive results, this is a short time mitigation measure. In the long run, the move normally drags down the firms move to expand, with the climax be felt during perceived increase in busi ness units offered under the firms brand name. Perks and temptations likely to cause leadership failure Whenever an individual is set to a leadership position, several temptations likely to cause leadership failure come into be exhibited. For instance, the fear of declining profitability made Nokia Corporation to sack a considerable number of employees. Another temptation lies in the leadership desire to make decisions which would appeal to all stakeholders in an organization. While this is a sign of mediocrity, the leader avoids making tough decisions which would result to confrontations within the organization (Trevino Weaver, 2003). Procrastination is another leadership lapse which result into some level of comprise on the firms profitability level. A leader need not neglect any details in regard to the implementation of ethical management practices. In order to avert the impact associated with poor decision making procedures, its paramount to institute delegation procedures as well as motivation strategies in a bid to empower employees for higher productivity levels. Conclusion In conclusion, good leadership largely involves responsibility especially to the welfare of particular group or organization. Thus every successful leader need make honorable choices and decisions which are not only ethical but also legal. Successful leaders need avoid mediocrity decisions which are largely influenced by negativity of the outcome on the entire process involved. Thus, the quality of the individual in leadership position matters a lot as the decisions made determine whether an organization will be successful or not. Whenever executive leaders of great capability and caliber are given leadership roles, the total outlook and productivity change owing to the expertise and efficient management they bring with them to the firms performance levels.
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